• bijeenkomst Buurtkantoor
  • doornakkers2.0_2
  • Doornakkers blad
  • inpakken
  • Fanny bezorgd
  • ED de Prikkel
  • Conor & Cindy
  • bijeenkomst Bloemfontein
  • Prikkel-Wijkblad-Doornakkers-Eindhoven
  • 12189694_196044990728330_7439785179041558964_n

The role of social designers and co-design can be crucial when it comes down to neighbourhood initiatives. Cindy van den Bremen and Social Designer Conor Trawinski together with a small team of 4 engaged residents were responsible for the revival of the local magazine in Doornakkers, an area in Eindhoven. Not by designing a new magazine, but by producing a Wijkblad 2.0 that was spread throughout the neighbourhood with open calls like

‘will this be your text?’ and ‘will your picture be next?’. Despite the negetive predictions 14 till then unknown residents signed up and this made it even to the local newspaper. In a co-design process we developed plans for a new magazine with a part for everyone. Now that the magazine has a new editing team and independent foundation, the social designers have stepped out of the process.

De magazine carries a new name ‘De Prikkel’ and appears 5 times a year in full color and is pread through the neighbourhood by volunteers. Besides the improved appearance and content, the magazine has taken a new role in the area.

Bekijk hier de online dummy Wijkblad 2.0

(c) copyright foto’s Conor Trawinski