• Kunstplan GHTH_1
  • Kunstplan GHTH_2
  • Kunstplan GHTH_5
  • Kunstplan GHTH_3
  • Kunstplan GHTH_4
  • Kunstplan GHTH_4
  • Kunstplan GHTH_4

Agri meets Design was a project that was launched at the Dutch Design Week 2013. During this time, creative sessions were held: the FARM:LABS. We explored if we can realize breakthroughs within our food chain by having farmers and designers work together on several subjects. FARM:LABS are interactive sessions in which themes like technology, relation city – countryside, knowledge and education, policy and innovation are addressed. On assignment by Capital D CvdBremen worked together with 3 designers on the process and tools for these creative sessions.

During the Dutch Design Week several creative sessions were organized with farmers, policymakers, students and designers. The aim of the sessions was to have equal input from different stakeholders and their own expertise within a co-design session.

Tools that were developed:
1. A navigator to explain the process
2. Cards to get to know each other on a more personal level
3. Icons that enables all participants to visualize their joined dream
4. A canvas to create the final dream by the group

The project was initiated by the Province of North Brabant, the Ministry of Economic Afairs (EZ) together with Southern Agriculture and Horticulture Organisation (ZLTO) in collaboration with Capital D. Both ZLTO and EZ would like to continue this program of Agri Meets Design with a possible role for the specially developed FARM:LABS. International interest for the set-up of the FARM:LABS has been shown.

FARM:LABS are made possible by Proud, an INTERREG IVB project and Capital D.

©copyright Bart van Baardwijk & Maartje Strijbis